GrantWatch has published hundreds of grants for capital funding to help nonprofits, for-profits and small businesses with the purchase, construction, or renovation of a building or the purchase of equipment.
Grants of up to $6,000 to USA nonprofit organizations to support the provision of literacy services for students. Funding is intended for general operations, including but not limited to equipment, supplies, salaries, space rental, technology, teacher stipends, and mor...
Grants of up to $25,000 to Colorado nonprofit and for-profit organizations, government agencies, and businesses for agricultural projects in eligible locations. Funding is intended for programs and activities that benefit local food systems and agricultural lands. The ...
Grants to USA and territories state governments to purchase strategic pieces of land in order to safeguard the habitats of endangered and threatened wildlife species. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is inte...
Grants of up to $10,000 to USA nonprofit organizations, IHEs, Tribes, and government agencies to enhance the care and conservation of noteworthy humanities collections. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take up to a month to finalize. Funding is in...
Grants of up to $10,000 to Colorado food-related businesses to strengthen capacity and improve operations. Funding is intended to assist small and medium-size companies that produce in, source from, and focus on local and regional markets, or serve multiple small- and ...
Grants and cooperative agreements to USA districts, state and local agencies and districts, tribes, and organizations in multiple states and territories for small-scale projects to address water management. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take se...
Grants to USA Tribes to improve road safety in Native American communities. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to finalize. The purpose of this program is to reduce serious injuries and fatalities due to transportation incidents s...
Grants of up to $2,500 and grants of up to $15,000 to Colorado nonprofit organizations to support the local arts sector in eligible regions. Organizations requesting capital support are required to contact program staff prior to applying. Funding is intended for genera...
Grants to USA middle schools for after-school athletics programming serving students in grades 6-8. Funding is intended for the acquisition of sports equipment, safety equipment, and uniforms. The goal of the funding source is to help as many programs and schools as po...
Grants to Colorado nonprofit and faith based organizations, government entities, and schools for youth programming. Eligible organizations are those that address the areas of teen pregnancy prevention and early childhood education. The purpose of the funding is to allo...
Grants to USA nonprofit organizations and schools for programs related to music and STEAM and for projects that address hearing impairment. The purpose of the program is to support innovative music education, performance, and production activities; STEM and STEAM prog...
Grants to Colorado nonprofit organizations, landowners, and government agencies for projects that help to improve access to recreational fishing and sportfishing resources. Applicants must contact program staff before applying. Funding is intended for projects and acti...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International robotics teams associated with schools or nonprofit organizations in multiple states and provinces to participate in youth STEM contests. Funding may be used for team registration, field setup kits, and robot parts or kits. Gran...
Grants to USA and Canada nonprofit organizations for projects and programs related to oral health, animal health, or youth agricultural leadership training. New applicants must submit a letter of inquiry prior to submitting a full application. Priority will be given to...
Grants to USA and territories state agencies for activities to prevent, respond to, and recover from the threat of terrorism. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take up to several weeks to complete. Funding is intended both for physical and cybersec...
Grants of up to $20,000 to Colorado nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and Tribal entities to promote tourism across the state. Funding is intended to develop tourism-focused products, create educational programs for visitors, advance strategic planning, con...
Grants to Colorado nonprofit organizations, schools, and local governments in eligible areas to widen healthcare options for those with the most urgent needs. Applicants must contact staff to schedule a phone call before submitting an application. These grants are inte...
Grants to USA and territories government agencies and tribal agencies for transportation infrastructure capital and planning projects. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intended for projects that have a si...
Grants to USA organizations and agencies in multiple states to support fish conservation projects. Interested applicants are advised that required registrations and letters of support must be completed prior to applying. Funding is intended for projects to protect, res...
Grants of up to $25,000 to USA and Canada individuals who have suffered severe injuries for adaptive equipment and expenses related to their recovery. Funding is intended for individuals who have been injured while participating in sports activities, veterans injured w...
Grants of up to $10,000 and grants of up to $15,000 and in-kind donations of solar energy products to USA and International nonprofit organizations in eligible regions to enhance the quality of life in local communities. Funding is intended to support activities to inc...
Grants to Colorado agencies, public districts, and for-profit and nonprofit organizations for projects and activities related to local water supplies. Applicants must receive approval and register in the grant portal prior to submitting an application. Funding is inten...
Grants of up to $75,000 to USA state and territories preservation agencies for educational projects related to maritime heritage. Applicants are advised that the required registrations must be completed prior to applying. Funding is intended for projects with the poten...
Grants to USA state and territories preservation agencies to preserve, repair, and restore historic maritime resources. Applicants are advised that the required registrations must be completed prior to applying. Funding is intended to increase public awareness of and a...
Grants to Colorado nonprofit organizations for programs, projects, and activities that promote the development and growth of the visual and performing arts in eligible locations. Applicants are required to contact the funding source prior to submitting an application....
Grants of $75,000 to USA researchers, healthcare professionals, and teams affiliated with qualified institutions to address health equity. Funding is intended for projects that will improve health equity at a community level. Eligible uses of funding include salaries, ...
Grants to Colorado government agencies, nonprofit organizations, for-profit entities, and individuals for projects and activities that protect, conserve, improve, and develop water resources in eligible locations. Applicants must contact program staff before applying. ...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International charitable organizations for renewable energy projects. Funding is intended to expand access to solar energy. Priority will be given to applicants led by or serving Black and Indigenous communities, women-led organizations, and ...
Grants of up to $75,000 to Colorado nonprofit organizations and government agencies to benefit communities across the state. Funding is intended for initiatives and projects that bring residents together. Programs that encourage collaboration between organizations and ...
Grants to USA and territories nonprofit organizations, agencies, and IHEs for projects that preserve historically significant sites related to African American heritage and culture. Funding is intended to advance preservation projects that are currently in place for hi...
Grants to Colorado emergency medical service providers to improve services throughout the state. Applicants must submit a pre-proposal prior to applying. Funding is intended for a range of purposes including but not limited to planning, developing, implementing, mainta...
Grants to USA nonprofits and government agencies in multiple states for a range of programs that benefit local communities where the funding source operates. Funding is intended to support the priority areas of health, conservation and the environment, empowering famil...
Grants to USA and Puerto Rico nonprofit organizations for initiatives addressing Latino culture and heritage. Funding is intended for programs in the following categories: capital projects, consulting services and training, project planning, and programming and interpr...
Grants to Colorado local units of government for community enhancement initiatives. Funding is intended to support projects that either eliminate or prevent slums or blight or benefit low- and moderate-income individuals. Eligible uses of funds include design or engine...
Grants to Colorado government agencies, councils, and academic institutions for transportation projects in downtown areas throughout the state. Funding is intended for infrastructure projects that will improve the main streets and other central gathering areas of towns...
Grants to USA Tribes in multiple states for projects that protect and manage water resources. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intended for a wide range of water management and infrastructure projects in ...
Grants to Colorado nonprofit organizations, local government agencies and districts, and tribal entities to reduce water usage. Applicants must complete the required registration before applying. Funding is intended to replace high-water-use turf with water-efficient l...
Grants to USA organizations, government agencies, land trusts, and individuals for projects that promote rock climbing. Applicants requesting large amounts or land acquisition support must contact staff prior to applying. Funding is intended to support projects to incr...
Grants to Colorado nonprofit organizations to enhance the quality of life for local residents. The funder's focus areas include education, environment, arts, health and human services, animal welfare, youth, and community building. The majority of grants are for capac...
Grants to Colorado nonprofit organizations for programs and projects that focus on improving public policy. Funding will be provided for capital, operating, and program support requests. Preference is given to rural Colorado nonprofits. Eligible programs are those that...
Grants to Colorado nonprofit organizations for programs that focus on youth development and the adult workforce. Funding may be used for capital, operating, and program support requests. Nonprofit organizations located throughout Colorado may apply, but special conside...
Grants of up to $10,000 to USA nonprofit organizations and government agencies to ensure the future of all-terrain vehicle off-road riding. Funding is available to organizations working to preserve trail access and promote safe and responsible riding. Organizations can...
Grants to Colorado nonprofit organizations and schools for sports initiatives to serve local children and youth. Funding is intended to promote the social, emotional, and physical development of youth across the state through the sport of tennis. The purpose of funding...
Grants of up to $60,000 to USA nonprofit domestic violence and animal organizations partnering with other organizations to help domestic violence survivors escape abuse together with their pets. Funding is intended for pet foster programs, construction and renovation o...
Grants of up to $10,000 to Colorado small businesses in eligible regions for energy efficiency upgrades. Funding is intended to cover costs related to replacing or upgrading equipment and fixtures that result in energy savings and improved efficiency. The goal of the g...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit organizations and individuals for projects related to sculpture. Eligible grant categories include research and development; acquisitions and collections; new projects and commissions; and conferences, lectures, and pu...
Grants to Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado businesses to build capacity. Funding is intended to strengthen and expand local and regional non-commodity markets for climate-resilient grains, pulses, and pseudocereals. Grants can be used to streng...
Grants to Colorado Veteran Community Living Centers for capital projects. Funding is intended for capital improvement projects that positively impact the lives of veteran residents throughout the state. Grant funds may be used only for capital improvements and amenitie...
Grants to USA and territories nonprofit and faith-based organizations to carry out repairs on eligible houses of worship. Funding is intended for urgent capital projects that will preserve buildings that serve the community and that are of cultural significance. Projec...
Grants to Colorado local governments, state agencies, nonprofit organizations, and special districts for land conservation projects. Applicants are required to contact staff and submit a concept paper prior to applying. Funding is intended for projects that protect agr...